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User Experience Problems in Azure


Are your employees struggling to embrace your Microsoft Azure cloud environment? This article lays out some of the most common user experience problems in Azure, the likely root causes and how to fix them.

What tools can I use to ensure consistent deployment in Azure?

Inconsistent deployment is the root cause of many user experience problems in Azure. Azure Policy, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and Azure Blueprints are just some of the services in Azure’s governance and deployment framework that can drive consistency:

  • Azure Policy allows us to enforce and assess compliance across resources by defining rules and applying them uniformly.
  • ARM templates enable infrastructure-as-code, empowering consistent and repeatable deployments using code.
  • Azure Blueprints allows us to create reusable templates comprising policy definitions, role assignments and ARM templates.
  • Implementers can also use Azure’s deployment scripts. These scripts make sure you follow custom steps during parts of the implementation where ARM templates can’t be used.

These Azure services collectively streamline governance, accelerate deployment and ensure adherence to organisational standards. Importantly, they also ensure that every user has the same seamless working experience.

How to prevent employees working locally rather than in the cloud?

Encouraging employees to prioritise cloud-based work over local practices needs a strategic approach. Start with user training and make sure it showcases the benefits of cloud-based tools for seamless teamwork. Emphasise the advantages in accessibility, security and real-time collaboration. Consider enforcing policies for work to be performed and stored in the cloud. You can implement access controls and permissions to limit local work options. A good training program will incorporate not only how to use the system but the benefits of using the system in the way it has been designed.

On a technical note, it’s also possible that users are missing the apps necessary for connecting to cloud services or they may have been poorly configured. It’s worth checking.

How to tell if Microsoft Azure has been incorrectly configured.

Being able to identify improper configurations is crucial for avoiding user experience problems in Azure. Signs of misconfigurations could include unexpected billing spikes, frequent service disruptions, or unauthorised access incidents. Monitoring tools that report unusual resource usage, error logs or security alerts could signal configuration issues. Also, if deployed services fail to perform as you’d expect, it might indicate misconfigurations in networking, access controls or resource allocation. Regularly auditing configurations, using Azure’s monitoring features, and conducting security assessments can help promptly identify and rectify any misconfigurations.

Why am I experiencing occasional disconnections in an Azure environment?

Experiencing occasional disconnections within your Azure environment can stem from various factors. Network configuration issues, resource limitations or even transient network disruptions might contribute to these interruptions.

To troubleshoot, start by checking your network settings and look for unusual configurations. Check for resource constraints that might lead to performance bottlenecks too. Additionally, monitor for transient network issues or latency spikes that could disrupt connectivity. Using Azure monitoring tools can help mitigate and resolve these occasional disconnections effectively.

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